Returns are accepted up to 30 days after order delivery. For all returns, you must contact us in advance to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) form. We reserve the right to reject any returned item that does not meet our guidelines. If we reject any returned item, you will not receive a refund on such item. You are responsible for all return shipping cost, and all shipping charges are non-refundable. Returning parts that do not have prior authorization will be rejected and you will be responsible for any costs to return the products to you. All parts that have been authorized for return must be received within 14 days after RMA was issued.  Your only recourse for any issues on products that are requested after 30 days of purchase is the warranty offered through the manufacturer. A 35% restocking fee applies to ALL parts returned unless you order a direct replacement. Refunds for all returned items may take up to 60 days to process after the returned item is received.

All returns must be in original packaging, unused, in re-sellable condition. Any items that are returned without the original packaging, with the genuine manufacturer label not intact, appear to be used, or are not in re-sellable condition will be returned to customer at customer’s expense. CUSTOM MADE PRODUCTS ARE NOT RETURNABLE.



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